45th Anniversary

45 years?! What a wonderful investment of time, sweat, equity & passion it has been for us. Thank you to our customers over these years who have left such lasting impressions and priceless friendships. Thank you for the times you chose us over the box store. Thank you for the times you let us help you for your daughter’s prom or your child's wedding. Or for the countless Veterans who have crossed through our doors and shared their stories, allowing us to in turn serve you. Thank you to all of the officer’s who support their local shop. Thank you so much to our amazing staff over the years who invested a little piece of themselves into the fabric of our family business and made us better every day we turned the open sign on. Being a part of this community for almost a half a century, has made us feel wholesome and a part of something wonderful. My… how things have changed. How we have changed. And how we get better with age and wisdom. Don’t ever give up because things around you change. As they say – “Be the change you want to see.”
Looking forward to another 45 years…